Super Simple Bedtime Meditation for Kids

A bedtime routine for children is a set of calming activities planned before bedtime that help kids relax and set up a calming atmosphere for sleep. 

For kids between the ages of 3 and 8, a typical bedtime routine should include activities such as a bath or shower, brushing teeth, changing into pajamas, reading a book, participating in a calming activity like meditation, and listening to soothing music. Incorporating a bedtime meditation routine helps to reduce stress and anxiety, promote better sleep, and encourages healthy habits.

This article will briefly highlight the benefits of adding a bedtime meditation into a child’s nighttime routine, as well as provide a simple script that parents can read aloud while their child falls asleep.

What are the potential benefits of a bedtime meditation for kids?

Studies have shown that bedtime meditation can have a number of benefits for kids. Meditating before sleep can help promote better quality sleep, reduce stress, increase relaxation, and improve the overall well being of children. 

Meditation can also help kids manage their emotions, gain a better understanding of their thoughts and feelings, cope with stressful situations from their day, and practicing simple relaxation techniques before going to sleep can help them be prepared to complete school the following day.

Bedtime Meditation Script

Take some deep breaths and close your eyes. 

Imagine a beautiful, peaceful place, maybe a meadow full of colorful flowers or a beach with crystal blue water. 

Let the sound of waves or birdsong fill your mind. 

Picture yourself in this place, feeling happy and safe. 

Allow your body to relax as you take a few moments to observe the beauty of this place. 

Now, gently repeat a comforting mantra to yourself such as “I am loved, I am safe, I am calm.” 

Picture a bright and gentle light surrounding you and protecting you from any worries or fears. 

Imagine yourself feeling peaceful and content as this light wraps around you.

Allow yourself to drift into a deep and restful sleep. 

Breathe in and out.

Feel the warmth and peace of this place as you drift off into a peaceful sleep.

Alternatives to Bedtime Meditations

Calming nature sounds and sleep stories are similar to bedtime meditations which can also help children relax before bed and fall asleep easily. Because meditations require actively listening such as paying attention to your breath and using your imagination, passive bedtime relaxation activities may be a better alternative to guided meditations for kids.

Nature sounds provide a soothing ambience of familiar noises, and sleep stories enable a child to simply listen to the narrator’s pillowy voice. Nature sounds, like meditations, can help children lead more peaceful routines before bed. 

Kids Mobile App for Bedtime Meditations

To support your child’s routine before bed, Good Luck Yogi provides a full library of bedtime meditations, calming nature sounds recorded around the world, and quick meditations voiced by other children.

Guided meditations on topics like breathing, emotions, and animals help introduce children to healthy habits before bed. With Good Luck Yogi’s mobile app, meditations, nature sounds, and sleep stories are free!

JC Das

JC Das is the founder of Good Luck Yogi, a family wellness brand dedicated to teaching children meditation and mindfulness practices. JC Das lived as a monk for 7 years throughout the United States and India.

Short 1-Minute Meditation for Kids


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