Short 1-Minute Meditation for Kids

One minute is the perfect amount of time for a quick meditation, and sometimes it’s the only length of time that a child has to focus on their breathing or practice mindfulness techniques.

This article will highlight a few times in the day where children can find 60 seconds to meditate, and provide parents with a few meditation scripts they can use to facilitate mindful minutes in their children’s everyday lives.

Mindful Minutes for Practicing Meditation

If you pay attention throughout the day, there are many opportunities to practice “mindful minutes,” or 1-minute meditations that fill the gaps in our busy daily schedules.

Examples of Mindful Minutes

Here are a few daily activities that offer children an opportunity to take 60 seconds to practice mindfulness techniques:

  1. Making your bed

  2. Brushing your teeth

  3. Putting on your shoes

  4. Waiting for the bus

  5. Sitting in the car

  6. During a commercial

  7. Waiting for the microwave to end

  8. Clearing the table

  9. Taking out the recycling

  10. Putting on pajamas

Each one of these moments affords us the opportunity to practice breathing meditations. Choose one moment that you go through every day, and make it your “mindful moment” where you take 60 seconds to be present and breathe.

Short 1-Minute Meditation Script for Kids

Close your eyes and take a deep breath in through your nose, feeling your chest rise.

Breathe out through your mouth and relax your eyelids, your shoulders, and your neck.

Breathe slowly in through your nose, lifting your head up and giving strength to your back.

Breathe slowly out of your nose, keeping your posture strong like a warrior!

Continue breathing in and out through your nose, paying attention to the air entering and exiting your nostrils.

Remind yourself: 

I am alive!

I am happy!

I am strong!

I can do anything!

Take one more big deep breath in through your nose.

And let it all out through your mouth.

Open your eyes feeling refreshed and ready to win the day!

60-second Meditation App for Kids

Good Luck Yogi is a meditation app for kids that includes a meditation timer that enables children to set a specific number of minutes or breaths to close their eyes and focus on their breathing.

To get started, download the Good Luck Yogi mobile app and visit the breathe button. 

Next, select the number of minutes or breaths you want to take.

Then, hit start and follow the inhales and exhales of Good Luck Yogi, your meditation guide!

If you want more than 1 minute meditations, Good Luck Yogi’s app includes short 2-5 minute meditations voiced by children, bedtime meditations, and calming nature sounds recorded in nature all around the world!

Start Meditating During your Mindful Minutes

Every day we receive 1,440 minutes, and whether you’re waiting for an elevator or waiting to see a therapist, our life is filled with moments where we can transform the mundane into mindful.

JC Das

JC Das is the founder of Good Luck Yogi, a family wellness brand dedicated to teaching children meditation and mindfulness practices. JC Das lived as a monk for 7 years throughout the United States and India.

50 Meditation Activities for Kids


Super Simple Bedtime Meditation for Kids