Mindful Eating Meditation Script

Mindfulness can be practiced while eating to help curb obesity, and it is one of the main types of activities that can teach mindful eating to kids. This mindful eating meditation script can be read throughout a meal to help children be more present during the eating process.

Mindful Eating Meditation Goals

The goals of this meditation script is to help children be mindful of:

  1. Their body’s feelings of hunger

  2. Their reasons for eating

  3. Their appreciation for food

  4. The process and sensations of eating

  5. The tastes and sounds of eating

  6. The feelings of fullness and satiation

  7. The feelings after eating

Mindful Eating Script

Before we start eating, become mindful of what is around you. 

Listen to the sizzling sounds and inhale the smell of your food coming from the kitchen. 

Become mindful of your body. 

Is your tummy rumbling? 

Is your mouth wet?

Your body is getting ready to eat.

Now think about how you’re feeling. 

Are you excited? Are you sad? Are you stressed?

How are you feeling today?

We eat food for many reasons so it’s good to check in with yourself before we eat.

We should eat to fuel our bodies when we’re hungry, not because we’re bored or sad.

Now let’s think of something we’re grateful for.

Are you grateful for the yummy food you’re about to eat?

How about your loving family?

Being grateful helps us feel happy for all that we have.

Before we eat, let’s be like spies and inspect our food.

What shape is your food?

What color is it?

Now, take a slow breath in through your nose to smell the food on your plate.

Now we’re really getting hungry!

Now it’s time to take your first bite.

When you place food in your mouth chew slowly.

What flavors do you taste?

Is your food salty? Savory? Sweet? 

Feel the food on your tongue and between your teeth.

What does your food feel like?

Is it soft like a sponge or hard and chewy?

Is it warm food or cool and refreshing food?

Listen to the sounds as you chew.

Is your food loud like raw carrots or quiet like mashed potatoes?

Food can make many different noises and can be cooked in many different ways.

If you get distracted eating, remember that eating is a special time to nourish our body.

Listen for signals from your body telling you that you’re done eating.

Does your stomach feel full?

Has your hungry feeling gone away?

Mindful eating helps us fuel a healthy body.

After you’ve finished eating, be mindful of how your body feels. 

Do you feel energized and happy? 

Or do you feel tired and upset? 

Mindful eating helps us eat foods that give us strength to play and avoid foods that make us feel sick.


This meditation script for parents can help children be more present during the entire eating process - from identifying their hunger, to preparing, honoring, and feeling satisfied after eating a meal.

JC Das

JC Das is the founder of Good Luck Yogi, a family wellness brand dedicated to teaching children meditation and mindfulness practices. JC Das lived as a monk for 7 years throughout the United States and India.


4 Ways to Teach Mindful Eating to Kids


Mindful Eating Activities for Kids